Dienstag, 8. September 2009

I dont like mondays II

There are some days in Omaha, especially in Omaha where you cant win a pot. Thats even more true for the big ones :-).
After a Rebuild to 1100$ I lost about 6-7 stacks on PLO50... There was a lot bad play in it, but 2-3 stacks went in as fav, 2 coolers + 1 stack vs a maniac on hi lo who catch the perfect card with his trashhand and scooped the pot. I think the promo isn't so good for me because I wanted to manage 115PP a day and I had to pay for this delusion.

BUT, my fav slogan is: Omaha it's a game how to handle downswings... So I will go on and play PLO25 (16Stacks for the 50s are pretty few) and search for fun in the game.


PP 804$ / 3081PP  100$ Bonus (98%)  /  250$ Bonus (1/2:  3%)

cash machine goal PP in 10 days: 50 (actual: 0)

Palladium Challenge Q3/2009: ... cancelled :D

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